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If you haven’t already had those questions, they will come… Children will find the answers one way or the other, whether from you, the playground, the internet. It can be an uncomfortable subject but take a listen to Rachel Melville-Thomas, Child Psychotherapist, talking to Dr Penny Fraser about how to manage the conversations.
12th October 2011
So you have checked for Danger (to yourself and any third parties) and it is safe to approach someone who has had an accident or become unwell – What’s next? Check for a Response from the person. Firmly rub their collar bones on both sides (in an adult or child above the age of 1). […]
5th October 2011
This was the health promotion slogan from 1948 to encourage people to use handkerchiefs to sneeze into and then disinfect them afterwards. These days we tend to use disposable tissues and disinfect our hands afterwards but the principles are still the same. If you would like to know more about preventing and treating infections in […]
4th October 2011
Whilst I was training a group on Monday, I was asked what the legal ‘First Aid’ responsibilities are for members of the public in France. This is what I found out from the French Penal Code (Article 223-5, previously Article 63): In France, the legal responsibilities of a member of the public, who sees someone […]
28th September 2011
Throughout our lives, we will inevitably come across people, children or adults, who have become suddenly ill or had a accident – and it is perfectly human to want to help in anyway we can. Always remember your own safety first however. D is for Danger – always look first for anything that might injure […]
23rd September 2011
There are a variety of definitions of dyslexia. The World Federation of Neurology defines dyslexia as “a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and sociocultural opportunity”. Take a listen to Rachel Melville-Thomas, Child Psychotherapist, talking to Jayne Crawshaw from Oak Hill School in Nyon about dyslexia and what […]
21st September 2011