
Supporting Young Minds

Mental health in young people: it's time to act!

The mental health of our young people is in crisis. A recent report by UNICEF Switzerland found that one in three adolescents between the ages of 14-19 is struggling with their mental health. Nearly one in two has experienced suicidal thoughts and one in eleven has acted on them. In addition, 50% of mental illnesses begin before the age of 18, and 75% before the age of 25.

This is why it is so important that those working with, and caring for, young people understand more about mental illness, are trained to recognise when a young person may be struggling with their mental health, and know how and when to offer support. This will enable them to become part of a proactive prevention and early intervention approach that is vital to improve these statistics.

Who is this workshop for?

This four-and-a-half hour online workshop is aimed at those caring for, or working with, young people including parents, teachers, support staff, coaches and youth workers. Participants must be aged 18 or over.

What will it cover?
  • The adolesence rollercoaster and some key stages in adolescent development helpful when understanding ‘normal’ adolescent behaviour
  • How to recognise when a young person may be struggling
  • An overview of common mental illnesses including anxiety, depression and eating disorders
  • Key mental health emergencies including self-harm and suicidal thoughts
  • How and when to offer support using the HealthFirst ACT Now framework as a guide
Who is running the workshop?

HealthFirst Directors, Dr Michelle Wright and Dr Mecky McNeil, lead the workshop. As British-qualified GP’s, they have a wealth of knowledge in this field and are experienced in delivering this training in schools and communities across Switzerland.

Contact us to learn more

Further reading and insights into the adolescent mind can be found here.

I gained important and supportive knowledge through the Supporting Young Minds workshop.

“I am feeling such gratitude for this experience. Our toolboxes to deal with these life challenges are better equipped now. I am sure it will make a positive difference in helping our loved ones and others who need guidance navigate through these very difficult times. I will be sure to share this experience with friends and family.”


I am feeling so fortunate to have participated in the Supporting Young Minds workshop.

“I have come away feeling very fortunate to have shared in the inspirational presentation, and much better equipped in this ever-evolving journey of parenthood. Thank you to our organizer and host, to our wonderful workshop leaders, and to everyone present for being there. ”


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