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Throughout our lives, we will inevitably come across people, children or adults, who have become suddenly ill or had a accident – and it is perfectly human to want to help in anyway we can. Always remember your own safety first however. D is for Danger – always look first for anything that might injure […]
23rd September 2011
There are a variety of definitions of dyslexia. The World Federation of Neurology defines dyslexia as “a disorder manifested by difficulty in learning to read despite conventional instruction, adequate intelligence and sociocultural opportunity”. Take a listen to Rachel Melville-Thomas, Child Psychotherapist, talking to Jayne Crawshaw from Oak Hill School in Nyon about dyslexia and what […]
21st September 2011
The children are back to school, swapping holiday stories, picking up new reading books – and also sharing germs. Its a normal part of childhood and helps to strengthen their immune system. However, there are some simple measures we can implement to help reduce the numbers of germs they pick up. Take a listen to […]
19th September 2011