
Health and Well-Being Coaching

Putting healthy high-performance, resilience and well-being at the core of your life

Dr Mecky McNeil, MBBS BSc MRCGP ACC, is a British-trained General Practitioner (GP) with 15 years of clinical experience, working in a large family practice in England. Upon moving to Switzerland, always passionate about health promotion and disease prevention, Mecky became a health coach in 2017 after completing her training as an associate coach with University of Cape Town Postgraduate Business School.

As a medical doctor and coach, she works together with private and corporate clients who are motivated and dedicated to growing, in order to reach their full potential. Through investing in health, well-being and balance, they build resilience, improve performance and productivity and overall happiness and fulfilment.

In 2022, Dr Mecky became a certified Health and Performance Coach with Hintsa and uses the skills and tools that she learnt during this programme to deliver her coaching today. With methods proven in Formula 1 and Fortune 500, Hintsa Performance Coaching offers a holistic approach to well-being based on their Circle of Better Life model. This coaching programme covers all key aspects of physical, mental and emotional well-being. Dr Mecky works with her clients helping them to achieve sustainable change and meet their personal goals, ultimately improving performance both inside and outside the workplace.

Additionally, complementing the HealthFirst well-being and resilience workshops, Mecky supports individuals and small teams to implement their personalised well-being action plans. Mecky’s coaching programmes are offered for three, six or twelve months to develop lasting habits for a happy, healthy and successful life.

“We consulted Dr McNeil in anticipation of a year-long fraud trial and with a view to maintaining the team’s performance while living and working in a foreign jurisdiction. Her advice and guidance not only ensured that we functioned optimally for the duration of the trial, it also changed the culture of the firm, for the better. Many staff members thanked me for this during their appraisals: we are a leaner, meaner, happier and healthier fighting machine.”  Andrew Ford, Principal, LK Law


Book a free discovery call with Dr Mecky

Skillful and professional coaching.

“As a working mother with time-consuming hobbies, I was struggling to fit everything in but I didn’t want to give anything up! My stocks of energy were rapidly depleting and I was finding it difficult to enjoy life to the full. Mecky’s skilful and professional coaching allowed me to better understand my own strengths and weaknesses and challenge my unhelpful unconscious behaviours. The benefits were felt in a very short timescale and my learnings continue to help me enormously in my day to day life. ”

A Director of a leading Consultancy Firm, Geneva

Mecky is a kind, empathetic coach and a fabulous listener.

“Mecky is always seeking more information and new ideas for her clients. She will empower you to think critically and make better choices with her thought provoking questions and powerful insights. Sometimes it's just one line that will change your perception and undo years of limited thinking! Mecky also has the ability to find the positives and opportunities for growth. I highly recommend her!”

Liza Jachens

Hiring HealthFirst to support my team was one of my best HR decisions.

“The kindness and expertise of Mecky and Michelle during the workshops and the warm welcome given to their concepts by my team convinced me to set up individual coaching sessions, which have been much appreciated. The listening space and the simple yet pragmatic and personalized advice contributed to keeping the team's mental health on track during the chaos and uncertainty, which could have been conducive to a chain of burnouts. ”

Alexandra Peufly

Hintsa Certified Performance Coach

“Reach sustainable high performance with Hintsa”


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