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A survey out last week revealed that people in Switzerland seem to have less First Aid knowledge than many other Europeans. The survey was carried out during 5 months in 2012 in 14 European countries by Touring Club Swiss and the Alliance of Swiss Samaritans. It showed that 63% of the Swiss people surveyed didn’t […]
25th March 2013
Read this amazing story of how a baby in England was saved by the quick action of a rescuer and effective CPR given by a passer-by. You too could be a strong link in the chain of survival for somebody who really needs it. Book your place on a dynamic, interactive CPR course now […]
29th January 2013
People who have been on our Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Basic Life Support courses will have heard us say that CPR can save lives. Here is testimony to that. Some of you may have seen the television adverts in the UK made by the British Heart Foundation starring ex-footballer, now actor, Vinnie Jones. The adverts […]
27th January 2013
Shot, pique, injection, vaccination, jab, impfung, innoculation, immunisation, vaccinazione… whatever you call them – they are an important, if unpopular, part of your child’s life (and yours!). We, in the developed world with most of the world’s medical advances liberally available to us, for free or at a surprisingly affordable price, have the luxury of […]
8th January 2013
Wee-wee, pipi, tis, oshikko – whatever your child’s cute word for it, sometimes it can get full of germs and that isn’t so cute for your little one. Urine infections are quite common in children – about 1 in 10 girls and 1 in 50 boys will have a urine infection in childhood. It can […]
10th December 2012
This Saturday, 10th November 2012, HealthFirst is running our 1 day Swiss Resuscitation Council course in Basic Life Support and Automated External Defibrillation. The course will be held at Webster University, Bellevue, Geneva and it certifies you to be a First Responder in CPR and Automated External Defibrillation in Switzerland. One of our few remaining […]
5th November 2012