
Meet the team – Polly Pupulin

23rd September 2024

Introducing Polly Pupulin, HealthFirst Trainer and Clinical Team Development Coordinator

Why did you become a nurse and midwife?

Strangely, I don’t remember precisely why I was drawn to nursing! The possibility of travel and my interest in human biology and helping to heal people played a large factor. 

Where has your career taken you so far?

Whilst I was working in a London A&E as a nurse, I came to a point where I wanted to learn more and travel with my profession. So, I spent my days off attending university and studying for my Nurses Diploma in Hygiene and Tropical Medicine at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. It was fascinating and I loved learning about all the different diseases around the world. Whilst I was there, I became exposed to the reality of how many women and babies must endure unsafe pregnancies, deliveries and the post-natal period. I was truly shocked by the morbidity and mortality rates in so many countries. 

This was when I decided to go back to university full-time and obtain my Degree in Midwifery. Midwifery is an amazing, privileged profession. As soon as I qualified, I got my first job with an NGO working in a refugee camp as the only qualified midwife. I can remember how nervous I was travelling there! 

I continued working for NGOs in a variety of different countries and roles. It was an amazing part of my life and career, and I was very privileged to meet so many incredible people who had literally nothing. 

When I became pregnant with my first child, I was living and working in Tajikistan. It was at this point we decided to relocate to New Delhi, India, where I worked in the American Embassy Health Unit. 

Pregnant with my second child, we arrived in the Geneva area for what was supposed to be a few months stop over when all our plans changed! Fifteen years on, my family remains firmly based here.  

What is your role at HealthFirst?

At HealthFirst, my role is twofold. I deliver both physical and mental health courses, and also have a background role. As the HealthFirst Trainer and Clinical Team Development Coordinator, I organize everything from Team Days – ensuring our team stays informed and up-to-date – to making sure the hygiene standards of our equipment is of the highest level. 

I started working at HealthFirst when the company was quite young and have been part of the growth of new and different courses and health events that HealthFirst provides. 

What do you do when you are not working?

When I am not working, I have my family to take care of. I now have four children, and they keep me busy! We spend time at various sporting events supporting each other be it football matches or local running races. 

My favorite thing to do for myself is to swim in the sea. As we are so lucky to have Lac Leman close by, I also spend quality time there. 

What is your guilty pleasure?

I love to have time alone outside in nature. No one to disturb my thoughts, listening to the sounds around me, feeling the sun or rain on my skin. I find it truly invigorating, and I always have since I was a child. Although the best sound ever is submerging my head beneath the sea, listening to the mesmerizing symphony of nature below the surface. 

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I would give myself two bits of advice. First, enjoy each moment as much as you can, as time passes too quickly. Second, don’t be afraid of making mistakes. Through mistakes we learn, grow in ourselves and challenge ourselves to find different solutions to whatever life puts before us. 

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