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Mental Health, Physical Health
Young adults leaving home to start a new phase in their life at university can be exciting and daunting for both the student and the parents alike. After speaking with experienced university students and freshers, HealthFirst has compiled health-related top tips to ensure everyone is as prepared as they can be.
18th September 2023
Mental Health
Earlier this year, Dr Michelle caught up with Matthias Herren who helped set up Heart2Heart, the English-language service of La Main Tendue/Die Dargebotene Hand. Heart2Heart helps people who need a supportive ear, be it that they are in crisis, or they have daily worries that are getting on top of them.
15th September 2023
Physical Health
Meningitis – what causes it, a symptoms checklist to look out for, its treatment and what we can do to prevent it. Dr Michelle Wright explains all.
14th September 2023
Physical Health, Youth
New shoes, new school clothes, new pencil cases, new friends, and new learning opportunities: the new school year is full of excitement! Whichever the case, “La Rentrée” as we call it in the French-speaking parts, is a great opportunity to tick off this back-to-school health checklist. Make sure you are prepared for what the new academic year has in store for your family’s health.
7th September 2023
Mental Health
With so many coaches out there, often finding the right one can be a daunting task. What does a coach do? Do I need coaching and if so, what kind of coach do I need? How do I find the right coach for me? What are the credentials I am looking for in my coach? These are questions we often hear.
4th September 2023
Physical Health
With La Rentrée in full swing, whether you’re a newcomer to Switzerland or you’ve been here for a while, what better time to check that everyone in your household knows what number to call in a medical emergency.
Dr Michelle reminds us about the key numbers and explains about a smartphone App that can help us.
31st August 2023