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Whether you’re planning your next holiday and need to know if any specific vaccines are needed or you just want to check your current vaccine status, can help. Dr Michelle explains how this free, electronic vaccine record works. Smartphone App versions are also available.
9th April 2019
Did you know that ticks in all but two Swiss cantons (Geneva and Ticino) may now carry the virus causing tick-borne encephalitis? New recommendations from the Federal Office of Public Health are that everyone gets vaccinated, particularly if they spend a lot of time outdoors in areas where ticks like to hang out. Dr Michelle […]
20th March 2019
Anaphylactic shock can caused by a severe allergic reaction to certain foods. Learn to recognise the signs and give correct First Aid in this 4.5 minute podcast from Dr Michelle.
14th March 2019
The next instalment in Dr Michelle’s series on food allergies and intolerances: gluten intolerance and Coeliac disease – what’s the difference, how do you know if you have it and what should you do?
28th February 2019
Continuing her lowdown on food allergy and intolerance, Dr Michelle explains about lactose intolerance – something affecting between 4 and 17% of northern Europeans
13th February 2019
Dr Michelle continues her guide to food allergy and intolerance, this time looking at possible reasons why food allergy is increasing and whether you should avoid certain foods during pregnancy and in early childhood.
6th February 2019