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Our gut microbiome. Dr Michelle speaks with nutritionist Emma Jenks about how we can all ‘culture’ it to improve health and well-being.
28th January 2022
Blog, Mental Health
Are you dreaming of a good night’s sleep? Sleep is the one single (in)action that we can take to reset our physical and mental health every day: a nightly rinse and repair of our brain and body. As humans, we’re the only species that deliberately deprive ourselves of sleep. Most of us need 7-9 hours […]
21st January 2022
Blog, Physical Health
Real life tales of CPR and first aid. We may have heard that giving Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) to someone who has stopped breathing and whose heart has stopped beating could save their life. But far too many of us do not know how to act in a life-threatening emergency when rapid decision making is essential. […]
8th December 2021
Mental Health
The power of human connection Over the last 18 months, I am sure you have all discovered what it is like to be separated from your friends, family, and colleagues. Even with the lifting of some travel restrictions, it is still challenging to visit our relatives and loved ones across the world. What is more, […]
8th October 2021
Electrical shocks: when should you worry? We are all surrounded by electrical power – it allows us to have light, warmth, hot food, telephones, hairdryers, and even keeps farm animals in the right places. It is also powering the device on which I’m writing now and on which you are reading! We all know just […]
23rd April 2021
How are you wearing your mask this Movember? Dr Michelle chats to Movember Switzerland rep Scott Poynton about why men struggle to open up about their mental health and the ALEC framework for mental health conversations. They also talk about a FREE online panel event that they will both be part of on 30th November […]
24th November 2020